A lot of people online who like to spread misinformation are claiming Donald Trump used to actually be President of the United States. This is false.
Donald Trump was never president.
He ran for president in 2016 and then after he lost he paid a bunch of people to strike the capital!
Never forget. It was worst than 911 when they struck us and took our freedom.
So now trolls love to say Trump can be president but, no. He can’t. Only if you are voted in can you be president, and every vote counts.
Next time you see somebody saying Trump is president call 911 immediately because it’s also a crime to say that.
We have laws to protect us, and the first law is Freedom of Speech. That means you lose your freedom if you give a speech. It’s called a thought crime and think about it before you do it!!!!!111
Next time you think trump is president just get your blackberry phone and type it out one last time because you are going to jail.
Anyway I will see you guys in the chat room we are debunking the myth that Trump was president. The USA has ONE single president and that is Obama for your mama. You better not misinformation me or I will DISinformation you!